
Refurbishment Project
Member submission form - Draft design
Submissions must be received by Club Manager
by Sunday 17th March 2024
Project Refurbishment Steering Committee
The Board has appointed a steering committee to drive the Club’s refurbishment project. This group will work with our architect, Amelia Minty during the design phase, including receiving and considering submissions from Club Members, before making a recommendation to the Board on the final design that will be costed and presented to a Special General Meeting of the Club for final approval and green light.
If the project is approved by the membership, this steering committee will then oversee the tender process and make a recommendation on a preferred contractor to the Board, who will review and make the final decision in awarding the contract for work to commence.
This steering committee now invites all financial Club Members to view floor plans and drawings, noting there are some subtle differences to the floor plans from those presented at last November’s AGM. Submissions must be delivered to, or email manager@jclub.co.nz, the Club Manager by Sunday 17 March 2024 using the standard submission form provided. This form is also available on our website. Submissions will not be accepted without a name or membership number.
The plans and drawings for the proposed refurbishment project are on display in the clubrooms from this week. The Refurbishment Project Steering Committee are now calling for submissions to be made on the proposed plans so now is the time for all financial members to have your say. Submissions must be made on the correct form which can be picked up from the bar or from our website. All submissions must be with the Club Manager before they close on Sunday 17th March 2024. They can be emailed to manager@jclub.co.nz or handed across the bar in an envelope addressed to The Manager.