Club Sections and Interest Groups

The Johnsonville Club has a very strong Outdoor Bowls team and regularly represents the Club at ClubsNZ events..
The Texas Holdem Poker players meet every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm to play this popular game.
$20 to play with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Johnsonville Club Dart Teams play in and host Capital Area Darts Tournaments. We have 15 Dart Boards available for Competition and Casual Play. Sign up to the adjunct for $10

The Golf adjunct is one of the most active in the club with monthly outings throughout the greater Wellington Area, Kapiti and Wairarapa.
There's the added opportunity to participate in various Chartered Club events across NZ as well. $20 pa to join
Club Champs - Sunday 10th December

Sequence Dance
The Sequence Dance adjunct meets on a Thursday from 7pm to 10pm in the upstairs function room. A few additional dances are scheduled throughout the year.
Open to everyone
$2 members, $4 non-members

Line Dancing
Line Dancing is held in the function room every Monday from 1:00 pm and every Tuesday from 6:00 pm
Great for fitness and no partner required
$2 members, $4 non-members

The Club has three competition standard Snooker tables free to play.
Over 50's play every Tuesday from 1:00 pm
Club competition night is held on the 1st Wednesday of each month for members only
All members, guests and affiliated members are welcome.

The club has two competition standard Pool tables, free to play
and one 7ft table in the bar for casual play (also free)
play all days of the week.

Table Tennis groups meet every Thursday from 1:00 pm and Fridays when the room is available from 4:00 pm
To play just ask the Duty manager for the keys
Free to play
Indoor Bowls
Casual indoor bowl play is available at most times, just talk to the duty manager if you would like to enjoy a bit of a roll up
Free to play