​The Purpose of the Meeting
Receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Board
Receive and adopt the latest Financial Statements of the Club
Consider and, if necessary, act on, any motion relating to the Financial Statements and any other motion of which due notice pursuant to Rule 20.5(b) has been given
Consider any nomination for Life Membership in Accordance with Rule 6.4
Elect the Board of Appeal
Elect the Auditor
Consider any General Business
Elect ONE President and TWO Vice Presidents
Nominations for the Offices of President and two Vice Presidents must be in writing on the form provided for the purpose, now available in the Club Rooms, and deposited in the Nominations Box no later than 2:00 pm Sunday 30th October 2021
Notices of Motion must be in writing, signed by the member, seconded by another member, and notified to the Secretary/Manager no later than 2:00 pm Sunday 30th October 2021
Nominations for Life Membership (under Rule 6.4) must be in writing, signed by a member, seconded by another member, and notified to the Secretary/Manager no later than 2:00 pm Sunday 30th October 2021. These nominations will then be forwarded to the Board for consideration on whether they support the nomination. Supported nominations will, be posted on the Club notice board under rule 6.4(d).
Notice of Board Election
The Election of Six Board Members (if required) will be held on SATURDAY 4th December 2021 in the Club Rooms, 1 Norman Lane, Johnsonville. The ballot opens at 2:00 pm and closes at 7pm.
Nominations for the Election of Six Board Members must be in writing on the form provided for the purpose, now available in the Club Rooms, and deposited in the Nominations Box no later than 2:00 pm Sunday 30th October 2021
Absentee Vote - Any member not able to attend to personally cast a ballot on the day of the Annual General Meeting or the day of the Board Election, for personal or family reasons, may apply to the Returning Officer, (Secretary/Manager), for an Absentee Vote.
Board Eligibility - Each Board Member must be a Life or Financial Ordinary Member and qualify under the Gaming Act 2003 as a Key Person; and
Nominees for President shall have been a Financial Member for at least five (5) years immediately before nomination and have served at least one term on the Board.
Nominees for Vice President and the Board shall have been a Financial Member for at least two (2) years immediately before nomination.
The provisions for the conduct of the Annual General Meeting and Elections are contained in the Club Rules and Bylaws. Copies are available from the Club Rooms or can be downloaded from the Club website: www.jclub.co.nz
Current Nominations
Click Here to view Current Nominations to date!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding the AGM or Election process.
Trina Gilmer
Secretary/Manager (Returning Officer)